
First 24 hours of every wipe is a free for all (NO NPP)

Everyone gets 48hrs of NPP in ONE base location (Based of your ORP Location)

Orp activates 2hrs after last tribe member goes offline

Orp activates 4hrs after last tribe member goes offline while in PvP Cool Down

All structures 50% reduced damage

Turrets do 2x damage

All Dinos still receive normal damage

Orp Lasts up to 5 days (Then normal damage is received again)

PvP cool down lasts for 1 min after any kind of pvp activity

Raid cool down lasts for 2.5 min after any raiding/defending activity

While in Cool Down a character:

- Cant TP

- Cant use Omni tool

- Cant use Multi tool

- Cant use Soul Gun

- Cant suicide

- Cant join events

- Cant pop corn your items

- Cant drop more than one item per 3secs

- Cant drop all

- Cant upload inventory, items, dinos, or tributes


No night time (except for Gen2 and Aberration, they have normal times)

6 Man Tribe Limit

Wild Dino Wipe every 24hrs

Player Food Drains 4x slower

Player Water Drains 4x slower

Gather Rates 25x

Crop Growth 25x

100K stack size

1,000,000 Player starter Weight

Boosted Dino Weight

Turrets in range 100 (Vanilla)

Turret ammo stack size 1,000

Turret ammo slot count 10

Turret Mesh Prevention EnabledCant Build in Genesis Prevention Areas

Tribe Alliances Disabled

Instant Lvls for Players( Up to 155)(Ascension is allowed)

Instant Lvls for Tames

All Engrams Auto Unlock (Except Gen2 Tek Engrams)

Max Player (Vanilla)

Damage Numbers are enabled but only for the two parties involved

Enforcers are NON-tamable

Climbing Picks are removed from the cluster

Sleeping bags are removed from the cluster

Ziplines are removed from the cluster

Arkomatic Turret Filler is Removed

Cruise Missiles are removed from the cluster

Tek ATVs are removed from the cluster

S+ Drone Terminal is removed from the cluster

Special S+ Turrets are removed from the cluster

S+ Auto Crafter is removed from the cluster

Awesome Dino Tracker is removed from the cluster

Soul Finder is removed from the cluster

Ammo Box is removed from the cluster


Taming Rates 50x

Max Regular Wild Dino 150 (Vanilla)

Max Tek Wild Dino 180 (Vanilla)

Max Wyvern Dino 190 (Vanilla)

Max Crystal Wyvern 225 (Vanilla)

Max Rock Drake 190 (Vanilla)

Max Reaper 225 (Vanilla)

Amount of levels available to add to a tamed dino 73 (Vanilla)

Egg Laying 2x

Mating Interval (45min - 120min depending on Dino)

Mature Speed 100x

Incubation Speed 50x

Mating Speed 50x

(Example Giga will mature in 2.5hrs, requires 8 imprints and you can imprint to 100%)

(Example Ptera will mature in 20min, requires 1 imprint and you can imprint to 100%)

Quality of Life

Disabled wander on new babies (Automatically)

Disabled ally look on new babies (Automatically)

Auto Farm

Ability to suicide

Ability to private message someone on the server /pm "character name" and /r to reply

Drops only contain Journeyman, Master Craft and Ascendant Items

Wild Alpha Dinos Drop Loot 10% of being a BP

Regular Drops have 3% change of being a BP

Ringed Drops have 7% chance of being a BP

Desert Drops have 7% chance of being a BP

Cave/Underwater drops have a 10% chance of being a BP

Special Event drop have a 15% chance of being a BP

Ringed Drops have extra loot

Cave Drops have double the loot

Boss items for ANY map to White Ringed drops